By admin
- 5 minutes read - 1030 words六、squid缓存服务器的配置 squid缓存服务器在这个实验环境中有两台(,做成squid集群,我们首先安装一台,然后复制一台,再做配置,这样省事,哈! squid01服务器网络配置 # ee /etc/rc.conf ifconfig_lnc0=”inet netmask″ defaultrouter=”″ hostname=”squid01.rd.bj”
# ee /etc/hosts squid01.rd.bj # ee /etc/resolv.conf nameserver
# whereis squid30
squid30: /usr/ports/www/squid30
# cd /usr/ports/www/squid30
# make config #配置安装选项
# make showconfig #我的配置选项
===> The following configuration options are available for squid-3.0.1:
SQUID_LDAP_AUTH=off “Install LDAP authentication helpers”
SQUID_SASL_AUTH=off “Install SASL authentication helpers”
SQUID_DELAY_POOLS=off “Enable delay pools”
SQUID_SNMP=on “Enable SNMP support”
SQUID_CARP=on “Enable CARP support”
SQUID_SSL=off “Enable SSL support for reverse proxies”
SQUID_PINGER=off “Install the icmp helper”
SQUID_DNS_HELPER=off “Use the old ‘dnsserver’ helper”
SQUID_HTCP=on “Enable HTCP support”
SQUID_VIA_DB=off “Enable forward/via database”
SQUID_CACHE_DIGESTS=on “Enable cache digests”
SQUID_WCCP=on “Enable Web Cache Coordination Prot. v1”
SQUID_WCCPV2=on “Enable Web Cache Coordination Prot. v2”
SQUID_STRICT_HTTP=on “Be strictly HTTP compliant”
SQUID_IDENT=on “Enable ident (RFC 931) lookups”
SQUID_REFERER_LOG=on “Enable Referer-header logging”
SQUID_USERAGENT_LOG=on “Enable User-Agent-header logging”
SQUID_ARP_ACL=off “Enable ACLs based on ethernet address”
SQUID_IPFW=off “Enable transparent proxying with IPFW”
SQUID_PF=off “Enable transparent proxying with PF”
SQUID_IPFILTER=off “Enable transp. proxying with IPFilter”
SQUID_ICAP=off “Enable ICAP client functionality”
SQUID_ESI=off “Enable ESI support (experimental)”
SQUID_AUFS=off “Enable the aufs storage scheme”
SQUID_COSS=off “Enable the COSS storage scheme”
SQUID_KQUEUE=on “Use kqueue(2) (experimental)”
SQUID_LARGEFILE=on “Support log and cache files >2GB”
SQUID_STACKTRACES=off “Create backtraces on fatal errors”
SQUID_DEBUG=off “Enable debugging options”
===> Use ‘make config’ to modify these settings
# make install clean
漫长的安装过程又来了, 我该干点什么呢?看看新浪互联星空播客吧!速度挺快的,支持!!!
Squid安装好了,现在开始配置她了。安装完后,在/usr/local/etc/squid下有squid的配置文件squid.conf和squid.conf.default,这两个都是一样的,我们先删除掉squid.conf,在建个新的squid.conf,然后把我们的配置信息写在里面,这样的话更加清晰一点,省得在原来的配置文件中改,里面内容那么多,改到后来,自己都不知道改了那些东西,糊涂了,如果对配置有什么不清楚的还是可以参考squid.conf.default文件的。 # cd /usr/local/etc/squid # rm -rf squid.conf # touch squid.conf # ee squid.conf 加入: http_port vhost vport defaultsite=www.rd.bj
cache_mem 64 MB cache_swap_low 90 cache_swap_high 95 maximum_object_size 20 MB minimum_object_size 0 KB maximum_object_size_in_memory 5 MB ipcache_size 1024 ipcache_low 90 ipcache_high 95 fqdncache_size 1024
#acl all src #好像squid30已经内置了 acl gsrc src http_access allow gsrc
acl Manager proto cache_object acl Localhost src http_access allow Manager Localhost
acl Safe_ports port 3128 80 3130 3131 http_access deny !Safe_ports http_access allow all
visible_hostname squid01.rd.bj cache_mgr admin@rd.bj
cache_effective_user squid cache_effective_group squid tcp_recv_bufsize 65536 bytes
cache_peer sibling 3128 3131 cache_peer_access allow all cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver no-digest
access_log /usr/local/squid/logs/access.log cache_dir diskd /usr/local/squid/cache 256 16 256 Q1=60 Q2=50
error_directory /usr/local/etc/squid/errors/Simplify_Chinese
icp_port 3130 htcp_port 0 icp_query_timeout 2000 icp_access allow all digest_generation on log_icp_queries on icp_hit_stale on 保存退出后,我们验证一下配置文件是否正确: # rehash # squid parse 如果没有什么信息出现的话,恭喜你,配置无误! OK,现在我们先根据配置文件创建缓存目录。 # squid -z 2007/12/27 12:43:55| Creating Swap Directories 2007/12/27 12:43:55| /usr/local/squid/cache exists 2007/12/27 12:43:55| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/00 2007/12/27 12:43:55| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/01 2007/12/27 12:43:55| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/02 2007/12/27 12:43:55| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/03 2007/12/27 12:43:56| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/04 2007/12/27 12:43:56| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/05 2007/12/27 12:43:57| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/06 2007/12/27 12:43:58| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/07 2007/12/27 12:43:58| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/08 2007/12/27 12:43:59| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/09 2007/12/27 12:43:59| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/0A 2007/12/27 12:43:59| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/0B 2007/12/27 12:43:59| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/0C 2007/12/27 12:44:00| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/0D 2007/12/27 12:44:00| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/0E 2007/12/27 12:44:01| Making directories in /usr/local/squid/cache/0F
这样就创建完成了。 在这里我补充一点,如果创建缓存目录失败的,多半是目录读写权限的问题。因为我们是ports安装的,所以系统会跟我们预先创建好squid用户和用户组。并把家目录指向/usr/local/squid。所以我们这里一般不会有问题。但是,如果大家是用下载的源码自行编译又想把缓存目录换到别的位置或是用个新硬盘存放,那改怎么办呢?我慢慢跟你道来。 我们现在以新增一块硬盘为例进行讲解。 首先我们格式化新硬盘 可以利用sysinstal来完成,具体操作可以参考FressBSD安装的那个章节有介绍,这里不说了。格式化好硬盘后,因为我们是用来存放缓存文件的,所以我们对该块硬盘做点小优化。 # newfs -b 8192 -f 1024 /dev/ad1s1d # tunefs -n enable /dev/ad1s1d # 启用Soft Updates,必需在硬盘没有被挂载的时候或在单用户模式下才可以应用 # mount /dev/ad1s1d /cache # ee /etc/fstab # 加载硬盘 /dev/ad1s1d /cache ufs rw 2 2 补充小知识: FreeBSD 系统在block size 为8K或16K时有最好的表现,而使用newfs 进行格式化时,预设的 block size 为16K。然而,当我们的服务器是做为数据库用途时,由于数据库的存取是随机存取,所以在 block size 为 8K 时会有比较好的表现。如果我们将block size设为 16K 以上,比较容易造成空间浪费及空间破碎的问题,进而造成效能低落。 当我们的分区主要存放大量小型文件时,我们会将block size 调小一点,如 8K 或是 4K。而在 newfs 时,我们也会指定fragment size,它的值最好是 block size 的八分之一,例如当block size 为8K 时,我们会使用newfs -b 8192 -f 1024 来格式化硬盘。如果您使用的是/stand/sysinstall 来格式化硬盘,您可以在格式化硬盘时按N来设置newfs option。 当我们的分区主要用来存放少量大文件时,例如数据库,我们可以使用 newfs 参数 -i 设定 inode 所占空间大一点以减少 inode 的数量 (也就是可以建立的文件及目录数量),让系统在不正常关机后,开机时进行 fsck 时可以快一点。不过在修改inode 数量时要注意,否则您可能会遇到硬盘空间明明未满却无法新增文件的窘境。若要使用大型的inode,FreeBSD建议的inode 大小为32768、65536、或 262144,再大的话只会降低效能。 新硬盘安装好了以后,我们现在来做配置: # pw groupadd squid # pw useradd squid -s /usr/sbin/nologin -d /nonexistent -g squid # mkdir /cache/www.rd.bj #建立缓存目录 # chown -R squid:squid /cache/www.rd.bj 好了,现在只需要把squid.conf里的 cache_dir diskd /usr/local/squid/cache 256 16 256 Q1=60 Q2=50 改成 cache_dir diskd /cache/www.rd.bj 256 16 256 Q1=60 Q2=50 保存退出,在创建新的缓存目录 # squid -z 好了就补充到这里吧,我们继续我们的探索之旅。
现在squid的配置文件已经测试无误了,那我们还等什么,赶紧测试一下服务叻! # squid -CDNd1 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Starting Squid Cache version 3.0.STABLE1 for i386-portbld-freebsd6.3… 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Process ID 810 2007/12/27 14:01:56| With 32768 file descriptors available 2007/12/27 14:01:56| DNS Socket created at, port 49839, FD 5 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf 2007/12/27 14:01:56| User-Agent logging is disabled. 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Referer logging is disabled. 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 9 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Swap maxSize 262144 KB, estimated 20164 objects 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Target number of buckets: 1008 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Using 8192 Store buckets 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Max Mem size: 8192 KB 2007/12/27 14:01:56| Max Swap size: 262144 KB 2007/12/27 14:01:57| Rebuilding storage in /usr/local/squid/cache (DIRTY) 2007/12/27 14:01:57| Using Least Load store dir selection 2007/12/27 14:01:57| Current Directory is /root 2007/12/27 14:01:57| Loaded Icons. 2007/12/27 14:01:57| Accepting accelerated HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 11. 2007/12/27 14:01:57| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 12. 2007/12/27 14:01:57| HTCP Disabled. 2007/12/27 14:01:57| Configuring Sibling 2007/12/27 14:01:57| Configuring Parent 2007/12/27 14:01:57| Ready to serve requests. 2007/12/27 14:02:04| Done scanning /usr/local/squid/cache swaplog (0 entries) 2007/12/27 14:02:04| Finished rebuilding storage from disk. 2007/12/27 14:02:04| 0 Entries scanned 2007/12/27 14:02:04| 0 Invalid entries. 2007/12/27 14:02:04| 0 With invalid flags. 2007/12/27 14:02:04| 0 Objects loaded. 2007/12/27 14:02:04| 0 Objects expired. 2007/12/27 14:02:04| 0 Objects cancelled. 2007/12/27 14:02:04| 0 Duplicate URLs purged. 2007/12/27 14:02:04| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided. 2007/12/27 14:02:04| Took 6.97 seconds ( 0.00 objects/sec). 2007/12/27 14:02:04| Beginning Validation Procedure 2007/12/27 14:02:04| Completed Validation Procedure 2007/12/27 14:02:04| Validated 25 Entries 2007/12/27 14:02:04| store_swap_size = 0 2007/12/27 14:02:04| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
# squid -D
OK,我们的Squid01的配置就到这里, 现在我们关闭虚拟机,然后拷贝一份squid01为squid02,用来配置另一台Squid服务器。
复制好squid02后,我们现在开始配置了, 应为squid01的大部分工作都已经做好了, 所以squid02的配置就比较方便了,只要是配置文件中IP地址和机器名的修改。 服务器网络配置 # ee /etc/rc.conf ifconfig_lnc0=”inet netmask″ defaultrouter=”″ hostname=”squid02.rd.bj”
# ee /etc/hosts squid02.rd.bj
# ee /usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf 最后修改好的配置文件为: http_port vhost vport defaultsite=www.rd.bj
cache_mem 64 MB cache_swap_low 90 cache_swap_high 95 maximum_object_size 20 MB minimum_object_size 0 KB maximum_object_size_in_memory 5 MB ipcache_size 1024 ipcache_low 90 ipcache_high 95 fqdncache_size 1024
#acl all src acl gsrc src http_access allow gsrc
acl Manager proto cache_object acl Localhost src http_access allow Manager Localhost
acl Safe_ports port 3128 80 3130 3131 http_access deny !Safe_ports http_access allow all
visible_hostname squid01.rd.bj cache_mgr admin@rd.bj cache_effective_user squid cache_effective_group squid tcp_recv_bufsize 65536 bytes cache_peer sibling 3128 3130 cache_peer_access allow all cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver no-digest access_log /usr/local/squid/logs/access.log cache_dir diskd /usr/local/squid/cache 256 16 256 Q1=60 Q2=50 error_directory /usr/local/etc/squid/errors/Simplify_Chinese icp_port 3131 htcp_port 0 icp_query_timeout 2000 icp_access allow all digest_generation on log_icp_queries on icp_hit_stale on